Friday, December 17, 2010


Finally! Done with the book, we had our final discussion today, and it went well. My group and i talked about Winston’s changes from the beginning of the book to the end of it and how the book could be the future of the world.
In the beginning of the book, Winston was a rebel. He rebelled against the government - Big Brother, Ministries, any representatives. - It said,” His pen slid voluptuously over the smooth paper, printing in large neat capitals -




over and over again, feeling twinge of panic,” while in the end he said,” He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Big Brother,” (Orwell 18&289). Seeing the transformation of Winston from a rebellion man to a guy that follows the government is a humongous change. Because in the beginning he was into trying to take down the government, like he would do any thing to bring down Big Brother, but in the end he just gave up because of the pain and torture he went through being in Jail. It just shows weakness, because people did not see heroes of time gave up on one little pain, but they worked harder to bring righteousness for the people. Winston did not know that and so he gave up that easily.

Later on my group talked about how the book could rate to the current world and how it could be the future of the world. Well observing from the wars that is currently happening and some of the government styles in ruling their country there is no difference from the book. In the book Oceania, Eurasia, and Europe, but in reality we United States is at war with other countries. With the government controlling over the people like slaves and wars are constantly happening the book could lead to the world’s future.

In conclusion, the book is great. i have enjoyed reading and Orwell’s prediction about the year 1984 could happen in the years head of the world.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

deja vu or a reminder?

After reading Kristein Chin’s blog post titled “Forget”, i wanted to make a response to it. At the last paragraph she wrote was interesting. It said,
“I was never interested in my past before, but something recently sparked my brain into having these dreams. Now, I really want to know who I am. These dreams were derived from seeing just one thing recently, but I didn't recognize what. I passed by too many things from day to day and I didn't have the time or energy to recall these things.”
I can relate to this quote because sometimes i see, hear, and smell things that sometimes give me a memory of my past or sometimes deja vu.

There was one times that i was just walking back from school and i saw this balloons tied into a pole and it just reminded me when i was little, living in the Philippines and in each of my birthday i would have a big bash party that all my friends and family was there. And there would be always be games, laughter, and entertainment. And those balloons was just there tired in a knot at the pole and reminded me an event that occurred years before. Or when it is a deja vu. Sometimes when i stare into space and i just hear my surrounding it feels like a deja vu. - A deja vu is an experience of thinking that a situation had occurred before, in other words that event that is occurring feels like it happened before.- For me when i have deja vu, its weird and it scary because you do not know it the event really happen again. So having deja vus and being reminded of the past is good and bad things. It is good because it would be nice to reminded of the past once in a while. It could be bad because probably people want to forget about something that happened tragically in the past and deja vu feels weird. Having deja vus and being reminded of the past is vice versa, according to the person.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winston's love and rebellion affair. (Book post#2)

My group-mates and i just finished reading the second part of 1984 written by George Orwell. The second part was mainly about Winston’s love for Julia and the book of Goldstein. In the discuss that we had at Friday afternoon during English class, was Julia’s multiple sex partners and her love for Winston. While reading the second part of the book, i came across the area where it explains he job and her multiple partners with men within the Party member and the Inner Party.
“She had had her first love affair when she she was sixteen, with a party member of sixty who later committed suicide to avoid arrest... Since then there had been various others. Life as she saw it was quite simple... the Party, wanted to stop you [her] having it;you [she] broke the rules as best you could,”(Orwell131).
And there i had a question, is Julia truly in love with Winston or is he another sex partner like the others? And there my group discussed this topic. My group said that it could be either way or both. Since there are no relevant evidence, we ended in a conclusion that it could be both. It just shows that love can be a way to cover up for a problem or it could be true and passionate love.
So far the reading of the book as been great. With Winston’s adventure and his rebellion against government and Big Brother just added the suspend to it. In part two there was not a lot of things that was happening, but just explain about the love affair he has with Julia and the book called The Theory And Practice Of Oligrachical Collectivism written by Emmanuel Goldstein. I like the fact that Julia is fighting for her rights again. Ever since Big Brother, the Ministries, and the Party members came the people has lost their individuality because the government forced all the people of London to wear the same designed overalls. The government did this because they wanted to stop the creative thinking of the people and made it illegal to think creatively. And so the government did their work for illegalizing the creative thinking of the people and to show passion for others.

Reponse: Precious Moments

I just read a blog post written by Vincent Liu about precious moments. And i agree with him, there is nothing better than spending time with family or friends at any time in a day and remembering each thing that has happened. He said,
“...a precious moment? It is a moment in our life that we can truly feel happy and warm inside of our heart. It can be more than one moment of your life that you feel is truly important and that you can never forget about it for the rest of your life...Those moments are the time when I feel truly happy and just laugh freely without having to worry about anything at all. Precious moments are also times that you always want to experience again. It is a time in your life that makes you feel like life is truly worth living.”
His state is very much true, because when ever i have the time to spend time with my friends or family it seems that time just stops and each thing we to together is a memory to be remembered for a long time.

I remember the trips that my family and i took when i was little until now. Each of the trips we went to was a chance for us to bond and have fun at the moment we there. And in those time my family and i was traveling, we had new adventures each day. In those time we may have the ups and down, but still it was a memory to be remembered. For example, the trip we took in the Philippines. During times it was horrible, but fun, and in those times my family tired to go to places that was fun or the place we never went to. In the places went was a memory to remember because not every time we could go back to the Philippines, and it was nice to have remember events that is important to my life. Precious moments are events that occur in someone’s life that is important or made a significant attachment to their heart.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

1984 Book Post.

Currently I am reading the book call 1984 by George Orwell. Just this week my group finished the first part of the book it is about one hundred pages long. The first part was mostly about Big Brother’s power.

Big Brother is a tyrant over London, he control the people’s lives and thoughts. In all citizen of London, if they have a telescreen or television, the government can see their each movement they made in seconds. Narrator said,
“It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time...-in the assumption that every sound you made was overhead, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinize. Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer...,”(Orwell3).
This means that the government will do anything to keep their power. It seems that the government is paranoid that the citizen of London would try to over throw them, so they would have to create a television that had camera to view the people daily. It just shows that Big Brother and the Ministries are self-centered people and care about their power. Including the fact that London has been in constant wars with Oceania and Eurasia.London’s government is just ridiculous and odd.

Big Brother made changes into the society of London is to destroy any textual evidence of the past history and change it to Big Brother’s prediction or idea. This change in the society was a terrible idea because now many people would think that Big Brother did or think those things that happened in history and make him like into a God. Winston’s job is to change the history to make it into Big Brother’s prophecy. It said,
“ A number of the Times which might, because of changes in political alignment, or mistaken prophecies uttered by Big Brother, have been rewritten a dozen times still stood on the files bearing its original date, and no other copy existed to contradict it,”(Orwell40).
This means that Big Brother cares about people worshiping him because he changed the history to make it in to some prophecy. It just makes him sound like a swallow person.

Big Brother and the Ministries has been controlling the people of London. In the year of 1984 there is a new language called Newspeak, and Newspeak was type of language that the people in the government to use to make the citizen sound like idiots. But there is also Oldspeak, this language is what the people around the world currently speaking. It is the normal way, but in Newspeak the people that create new words destroy the language. They tend to make dictionaries filled of Newspeak words and by the end of 2050 all people would speck Newspeak. Winston’s friend said,
“‘The Eleventh Edition is the definitive edition,’”he said. ‘We’re getting the language into its final shape-the shape it’s going to have when nobody speaks anything else. When we’ve finished with it, people like you will have to learn it all over again...,that our chief job is inventing new words. But not one bit of it! We’re destroying words-scores of them, hundred of them,every day. We’re cutting the language down to the bone. The Eleventh Edition won’t contain a single word that will become obsolete before the year 2050,’”(Orwell51).
The purpose of Newspeak is to make the people sound like a fools and to lower the thinking of the citizen so that the superior men would think that they are intelligent people.

Finally the government style in the London has been destroyed by a “powerful” being called Big Brother. And him and the Ministry has been destroying the country of London. They have ruined the language arts and replaced it with Newspeak, there are no more privacy, and they destroyed the history. Big Brother and the Ministry has been controlling the people's lives and thoughts.

Daily Rouitne

I just have to respond to Carly’s response post to Ruby’s blog post about daily routine. Ever since i started attending ASTI (Alameda Science Technology Institute) my daily routine in going to school and stay there for about eight hours and go home and start doing homework. In Ruby’s blog post said,
“My weekly ritual consists of: waking up, going to school, coming home to do homework, and sleeping... Saturday and Sunday, never too much thrill out of those days either."
I can relate to her idea of daily ritual because i do almost the same thing each eek. My daily habits is similar to a robot doing the same thing each day of its life. I find my life in ASTI very boring doing the same routine, it is like nothing exciting happening to my sophomore life except getting the work done before it strikes midnight.

My daily routine is to get up at five thirty in the morning and take a shower for about ten to fifth teen minutes and get ready for school and when i have about an hour left before heading down stairs to eat breakfast i ten to review or read the book “1984” by George Orwell. And when it is finally seven o'clock i go down to the kitchen and eat breakfast and bring my small bowl of food to the living room to turn the television to watch the news for the weather and also the news that are happening in the Bay Area. Then when my alarm for school rang it means i need to go and head for school, but school is not difference. I go to all my four periods before lunch and after lunch head to my last two classes. And finally walk back home when it hits three o’clock, and when i got home i have about thirty minutes to rest then start on my no ending homework. Yup, this is my daily routine for Mondays to Fridays.

Looking at my daily routine, it seems that my life so far is boring. I also notice i take so much time doing school work, i do not even have time for my family or friends. Its true what on of the staff in ASTI said, “we got to sacrifice a lot of things for attending ASTI”. I just hate it when i got so much work to do, while my family or friends are having the time of their life with each other. That makes me feel like an outcast because i was not there in the moment it happened also that with all the work i have to do for school i barely have an eight hour sleep. Now i have dark circles around my eye. Sometimes i wonder if i made the right choice attending ASTI.