Friday, January 28, 2011

rebuttal opeing statment.

Kyle’s opening is great, i agree on some of points that the government should lower the age limit of the voting age from the age of eight-teen to the age of sixteen. For example, one of his paragraph that says, “ I say it should, as lowering the voting age to six-teen will provide the option to young adults to vote on matters that will affect them when they are adults.” I agree with his sentence, but it is more likely to be an opinion. Because i do not not see any factual or outside resources supporting his idea, it is more likely to be an opinion. Also at his last paragraph or his conclusion paragraph he wrote, “ At six-teen, students are able to work a job and therefore pay taxes, so why shouldn't they have the right to vote too?” And when he said At six-teen, students are able to work a job and therefore pay taxes. I agree to him that at age sixteen, teens are able to get jobs during the summer or get permission to the school and parents for the job. But i never knew that sixteen could pay taxes because when i am sixteen i do not see any mail saying i have to pay taxes or at least a law that at sixteen i have to pay taxes. So i his part of of his sentence is not a factual sentences. It did not have a right fact. So he has some areas that are no facted correct and has no supporting evidence to support his idea.
There are more areas that did not make sense, one is on his conclusion paragraph that says, “ A lowered voting age would prove nothing but beneficial as having a wider base would be more fair and provide a cleaner point of view than older generations past.” When kyle wrote cleaner point of view than older generations past, i did not understand what he is trying to say. Is he trying to conclude his his two other paragraphs into one sentence or creating a new point. It was confusing to understand his idea at that sentence. At his second paragraph in the first sentences said, “ Students that are taught politics in school are politically active and denying their right to do so is destroying a useful voter base to stem stalemates between two parties.” i do not see any connection to his idea of teen voting. The other is on his first paragraph that said, “ The voter age has been eighteen because people at that age seem to be educated enough to know what they are voting for...,”. he just repeated his first sentence and added more words in the end of the sentences. Basically his opening statement has the lack of evidence, some sentences has no connection to idea, and just some parts are repetitive.

English language VS. Orwell

Orwell has written many essays, books, and so on. The one I am writing about is Orwell’s essay titled Politics and the English Language. His essay was mainly about people say that “we cannot save our English language”, and he argues that the people can, but is is just a unreasonable idea. He also argues that language does develop over time, but he contradicts himself on the second paragraph. He continues to explain that by our sloppy thoughts we have bad English language. Finally concludes that if someone gets rid of the “bad language”, then they are politically smart and a proper English Language speaker. The main idea is to explain that people that think foolishly, cannot speak English properly.

Orwell’s writing is interesting, but the diction he uses and the way he explains his ideas are hard to understand. There is one area in the passage that was confusing for me. It said, “ … it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer. But an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and producing the same effect in an intensified form and so on indefinitely,”. When i got to this sentence i got confused, i asked myself what is he talking about or in English please. When i read this question i did not know if it had to do with the prompt or was it just a sentence clutter. There was also one sentence that did not connect me to the main point of Orwell. He wrote, “ Out civilization is decadent and our language -- so the argument runs -- must inevitably share in the general collapse,”. It has has probably have to do with the English language, but does the civilization have to do with anything and when he said must inevitably share in the general collapse, what does he mean by collapse and inevitably share? His two beginning paragraphs did not much connect with the idea.

While rereading the entire passage or trying to figure out what a word means or a sentence means, i came across a contradiction to his two beginning paragraph. It said, “ Underneath this lies the half-conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purpose,”. Orwell believes that the English Language is a more of a natural growth, but not used a very day tool. And he contradicts himself at the second paragraph that says, “ It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts,”. Now he explains that with the growth of the language it makes a man’s thoughts are foolish and when it comes to his writing it too becomes foolish. Basically he means that the humans gets influence with the current language style and makes a man’s thoughts and writing bad. When i first read those two sentence it contradicts Orwell’s essay, but i also disagree and agree with him. When Orwell wrote his conclusion sentence for the first paragraph, i agree with him. I agree that language does change during the course of time. Starting in the beginning of time to the twenty first century, the words, grammar and the language change. No one can stop the progress of the changing English language. With the development of the world, there are a lot of things that changes too like, the technology, marriages, and the English Language. In the world there are now many styles of English. There are slang, country, and so on. We can’t control on how we learn the English language, we instantly get influence with our everyday lifestyle. When he wrote the third sentence on his second paragraph it confused me there. Because i though he supports the idea of English language is changing, but it did not. He explains that with growth of English language it makes that mind of humans think and write foolishly. And now i disagree with him because the growth of the English Language does not have to do with the person’s thinking. It is mostly on the the person’s of how he comprehended the language. It depends on how the persons thinks whether he or she can think critical or not. It is is the way their brain function and how fast they get to understand the language. Like i said earlier, we cannot control on how we to speak English language proper, each person has its own interpretations. By him saying that it is make it easier for us to have foolish thoughts, he is portraying that English language development is making the humans speak and write foolishly. In conclusion Orwell’s piece is about the English language is growing and changes in over time and that he does not approve it changing. And how well they could comprehend the idea.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Should Teens Be Allowed To Vote? : opening statemnet.

There many teenagers that get their permit by the age of sixteen and there are teens that can get a job by the age of seventeen. Now, should teenagers allowed to vote? There many many reasons that teens should have a say on the political elections and the government. And voting is a chance for teens’ opinions to be heard. For my perspective that teens should be allowed to vote because it is a chance for them to practice out their rights of being a citizen, and being independent in selecting the right candidate to help solve the current problems in the nation. The website called has an article titled Top Ten Reasons To Lower the Voting Age. In the he end it has a sentence explaining that teenagers voting will be a great experience. “Lowering the voting age may not be the magic bullet to improve the lives of youth, but by giving them a real stake in their futures and their present lives it will push them to become involved, active citizens of this great nation.” It explains that if teens are allowed to vote, they will have a great chance to experience being responsible and independent, and also being active in the nation’s political problems.

With the the issues coming in and out of people’s live, they barely have chance to look at the issues that is affecting the teens. For one thing, the education. There are many Districts across America has it either to cut schools or close down. In the same website, but different article titled Proposal to Lower the Voting Age by Keith Mandel, explains how the youth cannot vote connects with the problem. the article said, “Another issue too often neglected by government is education. Throughout America, classes are crowded, school buildings are delapitated and test scores are down. This is especially true in the District, where in 14 of the 18 public high schools, 94% of the students tested below grade in mathematics.A survey by the District’s Financial Control Board found that 12% of classrooms lacked textbooks when the 1996-97 school year began and 20% lacked other important instructional supplies.” As people can see, that the issue affecting the teens by the low supplies and budgets to have an education. With the youth voting, they could chose someone to help them over coming the problem and finally have a stable education. The main point is that with teens voting there are more chances their will be a better future.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Political Power and Animal Farm

I would not say that political power does corrupt the people who attain it, but political power does change the person who attain it. i believe in what i said because they tend to change or cause something that will affect the government and the society. The changes that the person has political power will be either use their leading skill for the good or bad. For example, President Obama has done good things to the United States economic system, removing troops out of Iraq little by little, and the most recent one approving the health care bill ( Even though it is not a great improvement to the country, it still a progress to make the Unite States Of America to be a good country. And if there is good results, there are also bad results. Remember President Bush Jr.? Well he did not do much in creating Unites States of America to be a developing country, but he introduced America to something new, and it is War in Iraq. Since he assumed that the plane crash that has happened in 9/11 that hit the Twin Towers was a terrorist attack, the war in Iraq has started. This blog post does mean which President was best, but to share that political power does change the person who attain it. Since these different president, they both lead the county in different ways. The main idea of this is political power does change a leader to a better or worst.

George Orwell does answer the question, “does political power corrupt the people who attain it?” in the book titled Animal Farm he explained a group of talking animal farms could take over the government of England and over rule all human race. and the best way for them to take over the government is to rebel against all humans. “Man is the only real enemy we [animals] have...That is my [Old Major] message to you, comrades: Rebellion!” (Orwell 28 & 30). With this quote that it kinda connects with the question because it portrays the idea that the animals are going to dictate the world and they will do anything to get their way. Also it connects to the current world that there countries that has a dictatorship government and there are people in those counties will try to make a difference.
Basically political power is a huge responsibility and sometimes there are leaders out there that takes advantage of it and never really improving the country.

Friday, January 14, 2011

colleges equals a better life or no?

There must been many debates about having a “better life” after college. Over the course of this week, in Mr. Sutherland’s class we had read seven different responses on the debate about having a better life after college. While reading the articles, there was on article that did not connect with the idea . It was called What You Do vs. Where You Go” written by Martha (Marty) Martha O’Connell. She debated that college will lead students to a successful life. But her response article did not convince me to agree with her. There was one paragraph that did not connect with the idea and it just confused me. She said, “The “oohs” and “aahs” follow as the audience learns that Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college, that Oprah Winfrey is an alumna of Tennessee State and that Ken Burns graduated from Hampshire College.” I don’t understand that how are celebrities have to do with a better life. I thought it was the person’s decision whether they like it or not.

I just have to be honest, non of the response articles really pop out to me. Mostly all of them did not even talk about the main question, but there is on that nearly connects with the main idea and it is called “Numbers Favor Top Schools” written by Richard D. Kahnlenberg. His response article was explaining that applying to a high standard school is important. He said, “While people might assume that it is harder to get through an academically rigorous college, in fact a student is more likely to graduate from a selective institution than a less selective one, controlling for initial ability... Finally, selective and wealthy institutions offer unparalleled access to the leadership class in this country.” He is telling that going to an elite school will give more chance into the future graduates of the college. Even though his response post is not best, but he gave the idea that going to college takes a lot work and that the students need to work hard to get in to elite colleges.

reponse: things i hate in the week.

This response post was inspired by Vy’s response post to to Kaila’s blog post about things i hate this week:

This week has been probably the worst week ever. Coming back from break and the teachers expect me to be ready for school and get to learning. i say NO! Just coming back from break, ny brain is still on it’s mode that i am still on winter break. My whole body was piratically falling asleep in every class on the first day we came back. My brain was not used to waking up early in the morning and getting ready for school. Likr Vy said in her post, “UGH.I hate waking up in the morning..., [i] never feel good, and I am not in the mood for anything. Waking up early is not the business, it takes so much energy and encouragement to get myself up in the morning. I just never want to wake up, it takes so much work.” And i agree with her, during the first two days was hard because i had to wake early to get ready for school and still have time to eat breakfast. But during winter break i just woke up in the afternoon or around ten or eleven am and just eat branch - a mixture of lunch and breakfast-. This week i am still getting use to the whole “school work only” again because three weeks of winter break is pretty long and i did not has much focus on the work they sent us home. So it was useless because after finals week i completely forgot everything i learned. especially on math and anatomy.

This week what i hated was that the teacher told has we had four packets that we did over the break, but i heard from the teacher before break was three. Turned out the fourth packet was the reviewer for the final, but i never did it because she said it was optional. So now during the weekend i need to finish the last packet and just waste my weekend time on math. Yup. My weekends are over and including the lab and project we have to do for History and Anatomy that is due Tuesday.

There are more stuff that i hated this week, but this was mostly what i had i mind.

this week

Oh! My! Gosh! It’s finally the end of first week of school after coming back from winter break. This week has been a little shaky and easy, because i still did not get use to the school work the teachers were giving, i felt like i was still in vacation mode -for example, not caring if i had to do homework-. During this week i still felt a little lazy doing my work early, going to bed at right time, and just getting used to that i have school again.

Going back to school this week, felt like the first day of school during the fall semester. For example, seeing everyone again, seeing their new hair style, new clothes, and new shoes. The only thing that was different was the upper class-men and sophomores did not have to meet new people. Since we saw each other each day from first semester, this week was mostly like a family reunion. For example, everyone is catching up with each others' stories during the break, talked about how winter break was boring, and et caetera. It was mostly for people to talk about their winter break.

The first week back the sophomore class did fun stuff their classes and in addition found out some new that could affect the student’s grades. For instance, three out of five teachers are now making their grading scales to much more difficult. As an example Ms. Ronit, she is not going to include the Daily Learning Activities (DLA) which are homework, citizenship, participation, and attendance. She is not dividing that ten percent to test, quizzes, and labs and projects.So now, she raised up the percentage and we cannot depend of our DLA anymore. Also that this week we dissected a sheep’s heart in anatomy and physiology class, will be reading a new book in English, and will be doing a project for US History class. As a result this semester will be much more serious and tough.

This whole week was mainly for us to get our minds refocus on school again because this semester would be much more challenging. The teachers just gave us the basic lessons that they would be teaching and future grading in our projects, essays, tests, quizzes, and exams. The entire first week was about the teachers giving each of the class to information on how second semester would be like.