Thursday, August 19, 2010

My First Post. Odd Girl Out

Summer Homework Reflection #13: Odd Girl Out
I have never harassed anyone nor have I been bullied by other students, but I have seen a girl being bullied by other students. These group of children bullied this girl because she was always alone, know that she is weak and they mock because of her appearance. I felt sorry for my classmate, I wanted to help, but I just did not know how. At this point I had two options. One was to help the girl that was being bullied by the other students, and the second choice was to ignore what was going on and do not tell the teachers. I decided to choose the second choice because I did not want to get bullied if I told on them to the teachers. I regret what was my choice and now I want to explain why people bully each other. People or students bully each other because they think they are superior compared to others in their work or in school. They do this because they want attention from students, teachers, or co-workers. These people are just having trouble at home or from their past. They bully because they want their feels to be out but in an abusive or harassing manner. These kinds of people just need help in figuring out what is wrong with them. We should understand from their position that they are just troubled people, but we should also do something about it too. The people that have problems should talk to a relative, friend, or a psychiatrist and share what they are feeling so it would be let out and be left in the past and move on. People the bullies just need to forge about their past and move on with their life. Bullies change it is just their choice if they want to change or not.


  1. I kind of understand how you feel about ignoring them. People will mostly do the same thing. This is a nice blog. I like it. :d

  2. Wow, nice blog. When was this girl bullied? Was it in Chipman?

  3. thanks shi yun and yes wendy it was at chipman, i think. i believe it was the beginning of 6th grade.

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