“I was never interested in my past before, but something recently sparked my brain into having these dreams. Now, I really want to know who I am. These dreams were derived from seeing just one thing recently, but I didn't recognize what. I passed by too many things from day to day and I didn't have the time or energy to recall these things.”I can relate to this quote because sometimes i see, hear, and smell things that sometimes give me a memory of my past or sometimes deja vu.
There was one times that i was just walking back from school and i saw this balloons tied into a pole and it just reminded me when i was little, living in the Philippines and in each of my birthday i would have a big bash party that all my friends and family was there. And there would be always be games, laughter, and entertainment. And those balloons was just there tired in a knot at the pole and reminded me an event that occurred years before. Or when it is a deja vu. Sometimes when i stare into space and i just hear my surrounding it feels like a deja vu. - A deja vu is an experience of thinking that a situation had occurred before, in other words that event that is occurring feels like it happened before.- For me when i have deja vu, its weird and it scary because you do not know it the event really happen again. So having deja vus and being reminded of the past is good and bad things. It is good because it would be nice to reminded of the past once in a while. It could be bad because probably people want to forget about something that happened tragically in the past and deja vu feels weird. Having deja vus and being reminded of the past is vice versa, according to the person.
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