Monday, May 23, 2011

Admission State Essay

Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

My life is simple and comfortable, but it was not always like this. When my family first immigrated in the United States, a lot of challenges hit us. One was living in a small crowded apartment with eight other people, and having to see a mother cry each night because she was homesick and people around her treated her like trash. My family was not only facing emotional problems, but also financial problems too. Since we were new in the United States, in my parents pockets were mostly only Philippine Pesos, barely any US dollars. My dad worked as the apartment’s handy man and mom was not unemployed. I always thought that United States of America was a place to start a new life and try to make all my dreams come true. Turns out, making those dreams come true was harder than i thought. It took all my parents sweat and blood that brought the the family were we are now. I owe my parents everything i have and my dream to become a nurse.

I learned from my parents that giving up is not the answer. Every since our first two years, i persevered in school, because the best way i could repay them is through my grades. I also realized that i was very good at memorising body parts and i was very curious when it comes to a dissection. Even though the dissection was little disgusting, it was still cool to see body parts of mammals similar to human organs. I remember the heart lab, my anatomy physiology teacher ordered about six sheep’s heart, one for each table. When i first saw the heart, it was huge and was the size of my fist. i was amazed on how it looked like and the feeling of it. Some parts of the heart was tender and hard, but some parts of it was soft and squishy. But most of all it was very slippery, I could not hold the heart unless it was going to slip out of my hands. I was more fascinated one the function of the heart. For the heart to pump blood all around out body , just for the human body to live each day is amazing to me.

My parents encouraged me to persevere in school, believing that the medical field is the best career to pick because of the amount of payment. Ever since i started sophomore year and took anatomy physiology, my parents saw great changes in my science class. They kept on saying, “You should become a nurse,” or “Go to the medical field because of your high grades in anatomy.” Both my mother and father constantly remind me each day that i have do my best in school. Even though i get annoyed of by it, but it is worth it because they are the ones that encouraged me to make my choice of career. My family has pushed and gave me the perseverance in my choice of career. This why i want to become a nurse.

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

Part of my personal quality is my accomplishments. One of my accomplishments that i did was facing one of my biggest fear, roller coasters. It was the end of the eight grade when the entire eight grade class went to Great America as our last field trip. There one of my friends wanted to ride a roller coaster called The Demon or something like that. She dragged with her in line and waited for about thirty minutes until it was out turn to seat in the seat. So i fasten my belt, i told my friend to put my glass with out stuff (they don’t allow eye glasses in the roller coaster). while i was sitting there waiting for her to come back, my hand was cold as ice and i was near to having a heart attack. Then it started out slow, down a dark tunnel and up we go to highest point of the tracks. Then down we go going as fast as a cheetah, two loops and two spirals, while we in the ride i was screaming to the tops of my lungs. It was the most amazing feeling i ever felt. It felt exhilarated and i wanted to ride it one more time. This was the time when i faced my fear of roller coasters.

It made me realized that With a little encouragement, i can over come anything. This connects to school too. I remember my first year Alameda Science and Technology Institute (ASTI), i was in a lot of pressure. Teachers expected a lot from the students. Like, they expected that we should read and write in a college level and that we know everything. It was a worst nightmare for a student. I also here them say “ why on your middle school grade you guys had A’s or B’s, but what happened” . You what happened, pressure and a lot of stress. It made me miss my middle school days, where i got high grades. By the end of the fall semester of two thousand nine (2009) i wanted to quit and go to another school where it would be easier to get high grades. I prefer to pack my books and forget about ASTI. Then i though to myself, “why quit now?” It was then i realized that i just have to suck it up and continue my life in ASTI, Even though it is full of stress and pressure, i realized that i can do anything. High school was like a roller coaster to me. There was a lot of ups, downs, twist, and turns, but sophomore year was not that bad. even though there was more work it was worth it because by fall of two thousand eleven i will be a junior. it is basically taking little steps a time. Writing this being a sophomore, i finally realized that i could accomplish anything. If i only put my heart and soul to it, and i will accomplish the goals i have.

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