Friday, November 12, 2010

After A Sicky Week.

Just went back to school this week, I started school again at Monday, November 8, 2010. I'm so tired, i needed to catch up with everybody else since i did not go to school for a whole week. Even though the week is about to be over i have not finished my missed work from History, so I'm just exhausted from everything at school. This week i had to take a Chapter exam for Anatomy since i missed it on Monday, I had to present to her today the partner Drug Project since i left Wendy presenting by herself in front of the class, and I had to study for a quiz for History and start studying for Anatomy and Math Quiz on Monday next week. I am just out of brain juice, this is why i hate missing school because i do not get to learn new things and i have to catch with everybody else also doing the missed work with the current work. I am just about to quit, but no i have to stay.

This week has just been busy for me. Catching up on all my assignment also doing the current homework, my brain is ready to pop with all of the work to do in school Not just in school, but at home too. My parents has been cleaning the house and i was needed for help and i just could not handle all the work with the teacher giving me and my parents. Including the distraction that has been going on around me for a while. The distraction is killing me i just want to go to a place that is not to quite or to load for me to do all the work and i call that my bedroom. It was a place for me to do all my work. Next thing i knew i was done with all of my work and yet i missed a lot a bunch of stuff that my family and friends did.

Looking back at this week i am just tired and missed on a lot of things. Now I'm ready to hit the covers and just sleep until it hits Saturday afternoon.

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