Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sick Week.

Right now i am at home because i’m “sick”. It all happened last week when a certain student came to school coughing and sneezing everywhere and now im infected. I blame that student for getting me sick. I’m at home doing the homework that i missed so far and not understanding a single thing. I also hear my stomach growling because im to lazy and scared to go down stairs, and just watching television with non of my favorite shows on. I so bored, and i would rather be in school rather at home.
    This Monday i went to the doctor at exactly five thirty in the evening to get a check up because i have been coughing for about a week a ready. Dr. Stevens asked me questions about how long i have my coughing, what type  of medicine im allergic too, and all the question the doctor ask when people come in. Then i describe to her what is happening whenever i cough; I have dry cough and whenever i start coughing it starts over and over again and when my lungs do not have any air it finally stops then my coughing started again. She said, “your couching sounds suspicious,” so she got me tested for Whooping Cough.-Whooping cough is a type of virus or decease that anyone can be infected, but can make babies die.- After the vaccine shot and the awkward test, she prescribe  two medicines. One is the antibiotics for Whooping cough and that i need to take for five days and cough syrup for my coughing. That was my day of of medicines.
I’am at home watching television and doing homework. If i did not get sick i would not have to leave Wendy presenting by herself and i feel like i made her do all the work. It is sad i did that to her and i am missing a lot on school. But the good side of staying home is that i would not have to wake early in the morning or stay up late because im doing school work, i could do my work in the afternoon, and just relax the entire time. For once i did not feel the the stress of being an ASTI  student and feel like a normal teenager.


  1. i responded

