Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Garcia Girls.

Books gives examples that can connect with the audience. Like in the book How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents written by Julia Alvarez, shows that in some events in book can relate to the readers. In the novel she explains the four sisters going through trials in their life and they are the ones that resolves their problems. I started talking about the author’s connection with the book the gradually explains the character’s life in book. The four girls goes through challenges and they are the ones to resolve their trials and links to the reader’s similar experience.

In the book How the Garcia Girls lost Their Accents; Mami, Papi, Yolanda, Carla, Sofia, and Sandra are from the Dominican Republic. Julia Alvarez was also from the Dominican Republic and moved to New York City like the Garcia family. And when she and her family moved to America, they were very much influenced by the American culture and they respect the American cultures. In the vignette The Blood of the Conquistadors, she wrote about some secret agent from the government of the Dominican Republic. She too experienced pressures the government:
“When Alvarez was ten years old, her father became involved with a plot to overthrow the dictator (military ruler) of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina. His plans were discovered, however. With the help of an American agent, he was able to get his family out of the country before being arrested or killed,“ (notablebiographies.com.
Her family was part of a way for the country to be free from a Tyrant with the help of agents. A similar experience to the the family of Garcia when they were suddenly encountered strange agents from the government of Dominican Republic shown in the vignette Blood of the Conquistador. With her connection with the book and her life, she shows a connections with her audience.
The purpose of this book is to share the author’s experience as a fictional character. She also wrote her book backwards meaning the time line is from present to past. She probably did this because she wants her audience to see that the characters has a deeper meaning. One of her ideas to know more of the characters was to be moving back in time. As she talks about the adventures the Garcia Girls has, she gradually talks about one character at a time. When it got to the middle of Part Two and the though out the ending she started to explain less about the four girls, but into the as an individual character. Because in the beginning she was explaining that Mami and Papi are stilling calling them the four girls as it gets closer in the end of she starting to talk about the characters as individuals. For example on the vignette “An American Surprise” it was about Carla wanting to move to America where it is free and has better jobs. Alvarez started to describe Garcia girls as in one group, then towards the ending she started to dissolve the group description and into individual characters.

The book How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents just explained about the adventures in the past years and i have not seen any connection with the girls but they are all related. The only idea that i know is that it is about four girls that are related to one another and the book is structured like a time line but the time goes backwards not forward. I do not see the main point yet about this book about the four girls being treated like they are still children when ever they visited their father. Alvarez wrote,”Even grown women, they lowered their voices in their father’s earshot when alluding to their bodies’ pleasure,”(pg28). The four girls just want to keep on the type of relationship with their father, that they want to keep on respecting him even all four of them are adults. It proves that even though how old the girls are they are still little girls to their father because they want to respect and care for him even they are married and has their own personal life. Their life being controlled by their father has made them respect his.

In the vignette called Daughter of Invasion, the four Garcia girl’s father ripped apart the speech that Yolanda worked really hard on.He thought it was disrespectful,so he ripped it into shreds. In this action the man controlled the house hold and the women did not have a chance to say anything. Because after he ripped apart the speech he did not want to hear any reasons or excuses from Yolanda or the girls. It started with the speech,
“He mocked Yoyo’s [Yolanda] plagiarized words. ‘That is insubordinate. It is improper. It is disrespecting of her teacher teachers-’... She[Laura] stood by Yoyo’s side, shoulder to shoulder. They look down at Carlos... But now , Carlos was truly furious. It was bad enough that his daughter was rebelling, but here is own wife joining forces with her... He snatched the speech out of Yoyo’s hands... he tore tje speech into shreds,” (pg145-146).
It is a sign of controlling rude man. In conclusion, the Garcia has went through many trials in their life that involves men being to controlling.

This essay has been about the author’s life and connection with it and the deeper meaning of the book and the characters. It explains the men in the girl’s life are controlling and how the author incorporates her life to a fictional book. The essay has a lot of ideas mixed together, but it shows that the author is trying to express her feelings though some of her audiences went though the same experience as her in the vignettes. In her examples of going through the father being controlling, showed that there are girls with fathers that are very strict same as the Garcia girls. The book made a connection with the audience through the vignettes.

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