Friday, October 1, 2010

My trip to the PHILIPPINES. part 1.

I miss the Philippines. I remember my trip with all the exciting and fun stuff that my family and I did. It all started the last week of July, and each day that gets closer to our flight i get excited each time.For about seven years we have not seen our family and friends, and the time came and it was a whole new culture in the Philippines.
Finally, the day came, we arrive at San Francisco International Air around eight o’clock in the evening, and waited for about out one or two hours in the waiting area. Soon enough, the flight attendants started to tell the people to weigh their carry on bags and to start to line up. The flight attendants started with families with infants, toddlers, or disabled family members. It took a while when they called for our row which was in the front so we were the last one to come aboard.
At last we were on our seats and our carry-on where on the storage compartment above us or under our feet. Our flight to the Philippines was long and uncomfortable, it lasted for about twelve to thirteen hours. It was so cool that in front of us was a television screen-for every individual seat- that could play movies, music, and much more, so during the flight we would be comfortable and sleepy. For me the entire trip was uncomfortable because a long the way he hit some bumps so i felt a little dizzy on the way, and i can’t full put my seat down because some man was behind me. Including that there was these two old couple that was watching movies and they could not keep their mouth shut, until they feel asleep. My trip to the Philippines was not so great after all.
After that all flight, we finally landed to Manila International Airport around five o’clock in the morning-mostly every passenger clapped when we landed-. When we landed at the airport, they just opened the entire airport so the heat from the air vent hit us, and so we sweat ed as we exited to get our passport check, and when we exited the baggage claim area it was even hotter outside. I hated the first day already and we had to wait for my uncle to pick us up. Finally and thank goodness my uncle came right before I melted like butter, but the good thing is that as we drove to our place to stay I saw new things that i did not see when I was little like: Mega Mall, how the pollution there got worse, and how all of my niece, nephew, and all my awesome cousins grew up to be great adults/parents.
The first thing we did was to unpack everything and get settled. We unloaded the Balikbayan Boxes be bought and took out all the thing we will give to all of our friends and family. So we change in to our: shorts, t-shirts, and sandals, so that we would be more comfortable with the weather and headed out to our old house and met all of our old neighbors again. And I even remember my very first crush, and they were still living right next to our old house. And that is another story.

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