Friday, October 29, 2010

Refective Essay.

The first quarter of ASTI just ended about a week ago, and now i want to reflect back on my writing post on English. So far on my Free Topic blog posts has been fine. I wrote about my trip to the Philippines, the show Glee, and my favorite Filipino Drama “Kristein:Precious Hearts and Romance”. In all of my Free topic blog posts has been straight forward and understandable. In all of Free Blog Posts i mostly explained on how i enjoyed watching my favorite shows and doing fun events in the Philippines. But in my response posts i have some trouble writing a flow blog post. Even though i have struggles with my writing, it has not change from the first quarter.
So far i have not seen any major changes in my repose post, but i have notice that in my free topic blog posts it is more organized.  For example, in one of my free topic blog post i wrote about my trip to the Philippines this summer. I have observe in that blog post i use chronological order to be organized. “After that flight, we finally landed to Manila International Airport around five o’clock in the morning-mostly every passenger clapped when we landed...The first thing we did was to unpack everything and get settled” (par. 4&5). I used this specific order because i want to the readers of my blog to see how our first day of in the Philippines went in certain ways. Using chronological order is the best way to put a story together with lots of events. The other story that is fluid is my free topic Blog post about one of my favorite show. I wrote about the first time i saw the first episode of season two in Glee. And in the that blog post i poetically summarized the entire first episode, but i also added some questions i asked my self. 
“ I was wondering that why did Rachel Berry feel treated to Sunshine, just because of her voice. Probably she was thinking that Sunshine would take her spot light away from her when we auditions for a spot at the Gee club. But the thing i did not understand towards the ending of the episode she let her audition. Maybe her conscience made an effect on her that she should have let Sunshine audition.... In the end, Sunshine ends up getting a vocalist directer and her family got a condo and green cards, so she would not be attending  the Glee Club after all, (2-3)”. 
In this writing i mostly summarized the show and thought some questions a long the way. By using this organization it made my essay flow and understandable. As i observe my writing in my free topic blog posts, it is more consistent and organized. By being organized it makes my writing in my Free Topic Blog Post to be understandable and it flows.
In reversed, at my response blog post i have trouble writing it to be organized and fluid. Because i see a quote from someones blog i immediately want to write about it as my response post. In the end, i finish in a up with no words to type, and end up being repetitive. For example, when i made a response post about Shiyun’s blog post about jealousy i made some repetition. “ Coming back to the quote, she sees that consequence of having jealousy... Coming back to the quote, she sees that consequence of having jealousy,” (par.3). On quotes that i see that is good to write about i sometime repeat my self. I repeat myself when i cannot think of a final sentence or any type of sentence that flows with the paragraph. When this i happen i get irritate and i either start over or quit. Like i did on Mr. Sutherland’s blog post, i wanted to write about his post, and his blog post is about how my writing in my blog post has not change; like I'm doing in the reflective essay .But i could not finish my idea because i either repeat my self or my ideas did not come as one whole. 
“While searching for a blog post to response i came around at Mr. Shutherland’s blog post. i came across at one of his post called Slowbloggin' Cont'd that explains how his writing post has been slow for a while...And sitting in front of my computer not knowing what to write. I was struggling on what should right about.Having to,” (par.1) 
When i wrote this i wanted to write more of Mr. Sutherland  blog post, but after “And sitting in front of my computer not knowing what to write. I was struggling on what should right about.” that when i figure out i need help on my writing skills.
The first quarter just ended and it seem that my writing has not change. I have observe in my free topic blog post it is in order and on my response post it is either to repetitive or the ideas does not connect with each other. My goal to stop writer’s blog is to gradually write my blog post. I would think before i write, so that there would be less repetitive or misleading ideas. Also i have notice that my Commentaries are shorter than my concrete details. On my response post i do not think more of outside the box, i more stay what the quote is literally means. For me to fix this mistake i need to first pick quotes that are not to broad and also that try to connect with world and explain how it connect with quote. By the end of the second quarter i would like to see great changes in my response post.

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