Friday, October 22, 2010

Night. -.-

    In the world people are part of a religion or not. Some are strong with their faith some are not. At the novel Night by Elie Wiesel, he experience of losing his faith with his Jewish religion. He started as strong boy that wanted to learn more about his religion ended to be a confused boy whether if he believes or not. The central conflict in Night is Eliezer began strong at his faith and ended with a confused mind.
    In the beginning of the book he started a strong boy with enthusiasm learning about his religion. He even wanted to be a Master to instruct about Zohar. Him and his father was talking and he told hid father he wanted to a Jewish Master. “One evening i told him how unhappy i was because i could not find a master in Sighet to instruct me in the Zohar, the cabbalistic books, the Jewish mysticism,”(3). Eliezer was determined to be an instructor, he wanted to learn more about the Jewish religion. His father is encourages him to a Rabbi, but Eleizer only thinks it so easy but it is not. His Father said, “ You must first study  the basic subjects within your own understanding,”(2). His father told him that it is not just learning about the religion, but also to to try to make it with his own words. Eliezer needed to comprehend the word and share with everyone that believes in the Jewish religion. Eliezer is strong boy with strong faith.
    As the war worsen, the city of Sighet turned into a ghetto. The Nazi soliders put barbered wars around the city so no one can leave or enter. The community felt like they were a small republic or a close community. Eliezer said, “Little by little life returned to normal. The barbed wire which fenced us did not cause us any real fear. We even thought ourselves rather well off; we were entirely self-contained,”(9). They are a brave community, without worrying about tomorrow if they will live or not. Including Eliezer’s fate, it seem nothing can tear his faith from him. As their life continue with the war. They received terrible news mostly everyday, but this one is the worst. “ ‘I have teribble,e news,’ he [father] said at last. ‘Deportation,’... They began their journey without a backward glances at the abandon streets, the dead, empty houses, the gardens...,”(14&19). It is like being apart from their childhood; they were forcefully moved out and traveled by foot to another destination. And yet he stayed with his fate, he felt this journey is an opportunity in life. So they traveled to a concentration camp.
    Finally him and his community reached the concentration camp, he was separated from his family and from there they experience a life they would not have. He witnessed many tortures, he felt the fear of dying; as if they were losing their fate. “Never shall I forget that night, the night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night,... Never shall I forget that smoke... Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever,”(32). He finally understood that living during a can cause his life. Well enough he is  losing his faith at his religion. He is coming to the realization that not everything will be fine.  Until little by little they lost it. As his life in the concentration camps continue and seeing his family and friends disappearing he lost hope and fate. For example on Eliezer,”.... there was not longer any reason why should I fast. I no longer accepted God’s silence,”(66). Eliezer lost his faith and hope that the war would end and their connection with God.  He is coming to the point that he does not believe in God anymore because of the war, people disappearing, and his family being apart from him. He just gave up at his religion and tries to move on with.
    As his life goes on at the concentration camp, he lost his fate and himself because he witnessed a lot of things that he should not have seen. He wanted to quit his fate and tired to move on with his life. His fate became a memory that will never come back.

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