Friday, October 8, 2010

Reposnse: Jealousy.

I was just reading Shiyun’s blog post about Jealousy. And when she asked the question, “Have you ever felt jealous at one point?” I reflected in my life, and I too experience jealousy. I remember being jealous of my little brother because he has the brains like my mom. when ever he gets good grades in school, I feel like a failure because he has all A’s and I have all B’s or C’s. I was always been jealous of my little brother. But in the end I got over it because I know I do try best in school and I’m proud of the grade i have because I do deserve it.
Also when she wrote down, 
“   When we are jealous, we do some things that we would not normally do. I think that we should be more calm when this happens. We do not always have to have what others have. If we do, then doesn't it just make us all the same. I think we should just feel happy for what they have." 
I have to agree with her because it is true, we should be happy on what we have because we deserve it. Learning from my experience, I too do feel that my brother is better than me, but the thing is we are two different people with two different minds. So when I realize that i gave up with that issue and just move on.
Coming back to the quote, she sees that consequence of having jealousy, when she said we do some things that we would not normally do. She say is saying that when we do feel jealous we sometimes think about thinks we would do to that person or what we would so to our selves. The point is feeling the jealousy is can lead into major consequences.
The meaning of jealousy is to go against another's success. and whenever we see that people has better life or has all the things you want; it makes you feel that you are a failure because you can not get all those things or have a good life for your-self. Overall Jealousy is every where and we cannot do anything about it.

1 comment:

  1. Awww... Grizzell. Don't think that you are not smart. Everyone is intelligent in their own way. You are smart and you knowledge is growing everyday :D Don't worry.
